How to lose weight if you weigh 200lbs or more

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To lose weight if you weigh 200lbs, you will have to change your mindset, quit some habits, take care of your hormones, and eat healthy every time so even after weight loss you maintain the weight.
You won’t lose weight overnight, be prepared for temptation, challenges and weakness but with the right motivation to last to the end then you will lose weight gradually.

1.Change your mindset to lose weight if you weigh over 200 lbs!

I want you to smile every morning when you wake up and see yourself in the weight you desire whilst also feeling the joy and happiness you’d feel in your desired weight. It’s just a simple pill of motivation to keep you going.
Only I can change my life no one else can do it for me Carol burnett

When you look at your reflection in the mirror, don’t see a fat chubby 200 pounds woman, see yourself as the best.
Accept who you are! Accept the fact that you weigh 200 pound and Accept the fact that only you can change your life.
Remove every form of self pity,hate and bad energy from your life, You have to love yourself! And Focus on what you want!,
not what you don’t want. Please do this right now: write down your desired weight and how you’d feel in that weight when you attain it.
Paste it somewhere you can see it daily. Now its a goal.
Challenge will come, you have to be Prepared for challenges, starting your day out knowing challenges will come makes it easier for you.
That’s like having a plan B
“A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity and an optimist see opportunity in every difficult ” Williams churchill

To lose weight if you weigh 200 lbs you have to Quit some habits !

They are a lot of bad habit and misconception about losing weight that you already know and believe. One of the  obvious habits that stop you from losing weight  is eating too much sugar which I wrote extensively on how you can stop eating sugar in 10days here.
But if you’re planning to lose weight if you weigh over 200lbs then you have to:

2. Stop counting calories

You should really focus on getting enough nutrient in your body rather than counting calories my dear.
if you even want to count anything count chemicals.
so long as you’re eating healthy foods, foods that burn belly fat and home made foods, not refined products! then you’re good.
This is Because at the weight 200pounds the body’s hormones including insulin resistance , cortisol, leptin are probably damaged or faulty already, which is what led to weight gain. But if you focus on nourishing your body you will lose weight.

3. Don’t start with a minor step or small change!

Take for instance, you started your weights loss program about 2 to 3 weeks ago and today you’ve already dropped some significant pounds of about 15 to 20lbs.
Obviously, then you’re sure the program works and you will feel more motivated for the long run that you will lose more weight as time goes on. But if you take baby steps in the beginning and you only see very little changes, then no motivation to keep going which eventually leads to giving up.
Now I’m not saying you should just switch up and totally change your life. But make a change significant enough in your diet or lifestyle that it will positively affect your weight loss in both the short and long run like starting a ketogenic diet or using intermittent fasting for weight loss.

4. Do not over exercise!

Yeah once more Do not over exercise! Hoping to lose all the weight in 3 Days is really not that possible with exercising.
Though so many people think to lose weight if you weigh 200lbs you have to work your ass off….wake up as early as 6am and start working out, lift weights and exercise for a straight one hour.
Well I don’t believe that.
oh why Dave?
when you over exercise, you tell your body “hey you’re too lazy and fat, get fit arrrgh!” your body replies ” give me food!
I mean junks yunno to cover for the work i just did”

Then the hunger craving sets in but because you’re too tired to make a healthy meal for yourself, you end up eating extravagantly consuming more calories than you need. Also over exercising will make your joints hurt and increase hunger cravings also.

If you must exercise then do something mild like this weight loss yoga for beginners, or take long walks. Aerobic exercises that gets your heart pumping are the best to do but do them with caution.

Take care of your Hormones

Lose weieght if you weight 200lbs happy no stress
 How do my hormones affect me when I’m trying to lose weight if I weigh 200lbs?
Hormones are produced by one tissue and moved through the bloodstream to carry out physiological activities but some of them affect weight loss .

1. Cortisol (aka the stress hormone)

When cortisol rises, it engages the conversion of blood sugar into fat. This hormone is activated as a result of stress.

when you’re stressed, your cortisol level rises which in turn helps you store more fat. You can avoid or relieve stress by doing this yoga for stress and anxiety, being around people you love and being happy.

2. Leptin.

This hormone released from the fat cells, tells the brain when you’re too full so you can stop eating. But leptin does not like too much fructose which is mostly found in fruits and unprocessed foods.
The liver can’t process fructose so it just turns it to fat in the body. Therefore the more fructose converted to fat the higher your leptin level increases.

This makes leptin’s message to be ignored because of fructose fat.  now you just keep on eating and eating not knowing when you’re full making you gain excess weight.


Yeah estrogen , great in a woman’s body.
But it also affects weights loss, Estrogen helps to manage insulin produced in the body. Insulin is the hormone that manages blood sugar.

Now that we are on track.
When you eat, blood sugar level rises as glucose and stored in form if glycogen ,then the insulin reacts by conveying the glucose to the liver, muscles, and lastly the fat cells .

When you don’t eat healthily, This happens: your estrogen level is high, you become insulin resistant and insulin stops conveying glucose to the liver and muscles instead it stores them as fat in the fat cells

Eat healthy to lose weight if you weigh 200lbs!

Eat when you are hungry,
Don’t starve yourself.
when you do eat, make sure you eat foods that are high in protein, or high in fat and a lot of fibre including meat,fish, nuts and if you want to reduce your big belly eat foods that burn belly fat.

Please don’t starve yourself when you do starve yourself, you deprive your body of the essential nutrients. Your body starts to burn only few calories which is a mode of survival in humans . This eventually leads to inability to lose weight or weight loss plateau

6. Eat foods with high protein content!

Lose weight if you weigh 200lbs protein food
One of the reason for weight gain is that you don’t consume enough protein. Protein which is very satisfying will keep you fuller longer and help you avoid overeating.

In this list of high protein foods for weight loss you will find foods such as eggs and salmon contain almost zero calories and will keep you full for a longer time.

7. Eat more fat and avoid carbohydrates

You can boost your weight loss with the right kinds of healthy fat such as coconut oil which is very popular when losing weight on a  ketogenic diet.
Consuming fat won’t make you fat!  To clear that misconception.

When you eat more of healthy fats, your insulin level will lower and keep you fuller longer.

Avoid carbohydrates Chances are that your body is already insulin resistant from a lot of carbohydrates. Insulin resistant meaning your pancreas produces high amount of insulin after each meal. when you avoid carbohydrates and eat more healthy fat then your body is set on a good path to lose weight.


Use this odd "carb trick" to burn upto 1 pound per day -

"All this by flavor-pairing?" I asked
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she said
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”...
....They’re right, it actually takes 16 days.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently
