How to Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar In Easy Steps

How to Lose Weight With Apple Cider Vinegar In Easy Steps
I know that you can have heard about apple cider vinegar and its benefits at least  for once.
And there are plenty of reasons why it gains more popularity among many of us-

Surprisingly It’s very good for your gut and also works as a powerful tool for your gut and reduce your appetite.
Another great thing is that,it can be used for weight loss if it’s taken correctly.

In this article, I will cover everything  about using apple cider vinegar for weight loss and its many benefits.
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What is apple cider vinegar and how it’s made?

It’s made with the help of pure apple,actually at first apple cuts,crushed and then extracting the juice and sugar  are fermented into alcohol then it’s fermented into apple cider vinegar.This whole process takes up to 4 week before it is ready for drinking.

The Major Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar-

Although you are here to learn about using the apple cider vinegar for weight loss,but surprising it has some amazing health benefits beside weight loss.It’s best known for helping with- 
Hair loss,Skin care,Diabetes,Healthy cooking,Pet care,reducing blood sugar,reduce insulin,Helps you to lose weight by breaking down fat so you body does not store it.

How does It help you to lose weight fast?

lose weight
  1. Reduce appetite-
It tremendously helps you to suppress your appetite,taking apple cider vinegar especially at 2-3 pm will be best because at that time you may want to take some snacks.
Even a study shows that it can lead you to reduce food intake without making yourself hungry(1).
 2.Maintain blood sugar and insulin levels-
 Apple cider vinegar helps you to maintain blood sugar level.According to the some study blood sugar level
decreases when you add apple cider vinegar with gives you energy after your meal and maintain a healthy level of blood sugar
Another thing is that, it also keeps your insulin levels under control, which  causes fat storage in your body.
  3.Prevents fat storage-
Apple cider vinegar increases the metabolism which helps you to reduce fat faster. Even some scientists have found that apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which helps to block fat gathering.

Amazing, right?
 You get the double benefits of taking it.(reduce fat faster and block fat storage).
 4.Helps your digestive system and detox your body-
Having acetic acid and malic acid  makes apple cider vinegar super powerful for your gut and also build strong immune system.
These two ingredients help you to absorb  the nutrition from your healthy food better and make your digestive system very strong.
Another good thing is that apple cider vinegar clears all the bad toxins from our body what we get from the environment and the diet,so it works as a detoxifier.

When can I drink the apple cider vinegar?

This is one of the crucial things when  it comes to taking apple cider vinegar.
I have discussed about this and how it works to lose weight 
Now it’s the time to know when it can be taken for weight loss.
There are few ways to drink apple cider vinegar but the best 2 method I personally prefer to drink.

Drink before your meal-
it’s the optimal time to drink a glass of apple cider vinegar,because it’s an excellent tool to improve your digestive system and make you less hungry at the same time.So you can take  (45-1) hour before your meal.

Drink when you are hungry enough-
It’s another method of drinking it, I mean when you are in a break between your lunch and dinner, in that middle period if you feel you are craving for some bad calories snacks then this could be an excellent replacement for those and make you feel full throughout the day,so you can keep a bottle of apple cider vinegar while you are working to prevent  your appetite for some candy,chocolate etc.

How Often can I drink it & how much will I drink?

When you are just starting out you can start with 1 glass a day then you can try another glass of it and see how your body responds but make sure not to exceed 3 glasses of it a day.
You take 1 glass a day by mixing up 1 cup of water and 1 tablespoon and that amount should be ok.
Just remember that every individual is different than others so take this advice and see how your body works and becomes familiar with it.

How do I make my own Apple cider vinegar and make more effective?
apple cider vinegar
It’s very effective when you  add it with some protein so I personally recommend to add this with the followings-
Eggs,Fish,Beef,pork,poultry and any high protein natural foods.
This combination can really do wonders for your digestive system,metabolism and even make you full for a long time.
There are few recipes with apple cider vinegar but I personally like 3 of them which can be followed especially if you are  a beginner.

1.Water and Apple cider vinegar-

This is so simple yet effective recipe that I prefer.

 1-2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar,1 cup of water.

2.Green tea with apple cider vinegar-
We all know that how effective green tea to boost your metabolism and burn those unhealthy fat .it can be more effective when it’s added with apple cider vinegar.Just make sure you wait till tea becomes cool then you can add apple cider vinegar in it and mix it properly.
1- cup green tea,1-tablespoon of ACV,and some drop of honey and salt to make a flavor.

3.Lemon with Apple cider vinegar-
Well then,Lemon water has many health benefits including boosting the immune system,it contains large amount of vitamin C.
So lemon water with APC another great recipe to try.
1 glass of water,1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar,1 lemon and add ½ tablespoon of cinnamon for taste.

Go and make some of them from above and enjoy it.

That’s exactly what needs to be known for losing weight with apple cider vinegar.
That’s everything I tried to add in this article to help you get started with it.
I hope you have enjoyed this article
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section if you have any question regarding apple cider vinegar.


Use this odd "carb trick" to burn upto 1 pound per day -

"All this by flavor-pairing?" I asked
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she said
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....They’re right, it actually takes 16 days.
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Click here to see the "Flavor-Pairing" trick that helped me melt away 22 pounds in just 16 days (Designed Only for Women) 
