11 Superfood Powders That Boost Weight Loss

You're about to discover what the top 11 superfood powders that boost weight loss are.
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Superfood Powders

When these superfoods have been created into powder form they are MUCH easier to eat in high amounts.

Now you are really are getting all the weight loss benefits...
The superfoods powders you are about to read can easily be added into smoothies and shakes.

Now you have a far easier and convenient ways to eat these foods in the high amounts that you need to.

1 - Maca Powder

Maca powder is an adaptogen.
Any superfoods that acts as an adaptogen is great for weight loss and they naturally lower inflammation.
The less inflammation in the body, the more fat can be burned. 
Also turns out that this type of superfood helps to reduce the amount of toxins in the body.
The more toxins that are removed the easier the body can mobilise and use fat as energy.

2 - Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is usually associated with curries and now herbal teas.
This superfood is known to remove substances from the body. These substances can usually slow down the fat burning process.
One of the easiest superfood powders that boost weight loss to include into your diet, especially of you like curries.
Alternatively, there's also a bunch of turmeric latte recipes that are pretty tasty. My girlfriend is a big fan of these, especially when made with coconut milk. 

3 - Blueberry Powder

Blueberries pack a mean punch of healthy fibre and antioxidants.
It's these powerful antioxidant that naturally reduce the cortisol levels in our bloodstream while also preventing against a ton of other diseases. 
Many people are deficient in these antioxidant due to lack of fruit in the diet. So what better way to top up these levels with this powered. 
Also turns out that the healthy fibre inside this superfood powder that boosts weight loss will help create healthy gut bacteria which will make weight loss easier.

4 - Raw Cacao Powder

Honestly - one of my all time favourite powders.
Before I started travelling full time in 2017, I use to add this powder to my morning coffee in a blender with a dash of coconut milk - tastes amazing. 
The higher the cacao content the higher the amount of antioxidants.
Anything around 80% or above will see you reap the benefits of this superfood which has been known to help reduce stress.
With less stress in the body, losing weight will become that much easier.

5 - Matcha Green Tea Powder

Matcha green tea use is increasing popularity because of its weight loss effects.
Matcha is known to increase your metabolism and speed up the fat burning process in your body. 
Confession: Another favourite of my girlfriends in Matcha green tea. And over the last few months she's been making a lot of these teas for me.
I'm starting to really enjoy them.
On another note, if you have a Matcha latte in a coffee shop, watch out for the amount of powder the put inside - too much and you won't be able to drink it


6 - Chia Seed Powder

These tiny little seeds can help raise the “good” cholesterol levels in your body.
And in doing so will help regulate your key fat burning and fat storing hormones.
The great thing about chia seed powder is that it's super easy to add this superfood into your diet. Smoothies and shakes are always a good idea.
What's also pretty cool is chia seed puddings that are left in the refrigerator overnight. This way you can eat the seed and mix the powder in.
And they taste amazing.

7 - Wheat Grass Powder

Wheat Grass shots are rising in popularity, too. And it’s due to the weight loss effects it has.
You see, just one shot of this superfood powder can help suppress your appetite.
In Asia, especially in Chaing Mai where I lived for 6 months, you couldn't walk 100 yards without seeing a smoothie cafe selling these as shots. 
I never did try these shots on their own, but I'v made many shakes and smoothies with wheat grass powder.

8 - Sprulina Powder

The amount of antioxidants and vitamins in this superfood is staggering.
Due to the high amount of antioxidants in this superfood it helps nourish the body, speed up your metabolism, which, in turn, aids with weight loss.
As far as a "pound for pound" superfood powder goes, this is right up there with the best of the best - especially when it comes to fat burning.

9 - Mixed Greens Powder

Due to such a variety of foods within this powder it’s easy to see why they help with weight loss.
Mixed greens powder is usually made up of kale, spinach and broccoli.
Each of these contain certain enzymes that help boost weight loss.
In addition to these fat burning properties, there's also a ton of antioxidants and other health benefits that help reduce inflammation inside the body. 

10 - Acai Berry Powder

The high content of antioxidant properties in this food well and truly make it a superfood.
This powder can help increase your metabolism and improve blood lipid profiles.
As with most of the superfood powders that boost weight loss on this list, the best (and easiest) way to include these in your diet is to make smoothies and shakes. 

11 - Baobab Powder

This is a fruit that is said to have one the highest concentrations of antioxidants within it.
Because of this, they can help lower your stress, increase your metabolism and make fat burning easier.


Use this odd "carb trick" to burn upto 1 pound per day -

"All this by flavor-pairing?" I asked
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she said
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”...
....They’re right, it actually takes 16 days.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently

