11 Steps to Lose 10 Pounds Fast In a Week.

1.Intake low carb food instead of high carb
low carb
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The very first rule is to losing weight  – reduce all unnecessary high calories food from your regular diet.
You don’t even know how effective this simple idea is and can do wonders to change your life completely in no time.

Did you know even French fries has about 500 calories?

Not only French fries, but even a sweet candy also contains almost 100 calories.

That’s crazy, but true.

Keep  it in mind that you need to burn more calories than you take.

That’s why you have to focus on low-calories and high-nutrition foods
That takes huge energy to burn and digest.

So , which foods are lower in calories and easy to digest?

Now let me give you the foods that can help you to achieve your goal.
Let’s have a look

Fruits :
Oranges, papaya, all type of berries, grapefruits, watermelon, peach, strawberry.

Cauliflower,cucumber,spinach,broccoli, carrot, lettuce,garlic, beetroot,bell pepper,avocados,brussels sprouts,green beans,celery,tomatoes, radishes,eggplants, cabbage

2.Combine more proteins into your diet:

Protein is the most important part of any weight loss journey. It helps to recover and rebuild muscle loss and occurs during weight loss.

Everybody has a different principle to take protein. Some of you like to have via eggs, meat while others prefer to take protein shakes, veggies, grams, and lentils.

An average man and woman are said to consume 56 grams and 46-gram protein per day respectively.
That means they need to take 8 eggs or 200g lean meat( fish, beef, pork)or 3 scoops of protein powder.
Adding more proteins into your diet gives you more energy so you won’t feel tired and empty throughout the day.
For lunch and dinner always prefer high green veggies, mushrooms, black rice, peas, lentils.

It will boost your metabolism and make your body the best fat-burning machine.

As for snacks, you can choose fruits, nuts, seeds, protein shakes to fulfill your protein and vitamin requirement.
In nuts: Peanuts and pistachios are great sources of protein.

Last source of protein is to take a protein supplement.

You can also use protein supplements in your diet but before taking any supplement you always consult with your doctor first.

3. Add more hunger reducing food –
Detaining your hunger is the most challenging task during weight loss.
Keeping yourself satisfied throughout the day means shifting focus at work and pushing harder in workout and gym.
So, it’s very important to focus on foods that keep you fuller for a long time.
Some best appetite foods –
  • Almonds
  • Avocadu
  • Oatmeals
  • Black coffee
  • Flax seeds
  • Greek yogurt
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Green tea
  • Skim milk
  • Vegetable soup
  • Green salad
  • Vegetable juice
  • Water
There are few fat-burning spices and herbs  – cinnamon, pepper, ginger, turmeric, cumin works like magic in weight loss.

4.drink more water-

Water has it’s de-bloating benefits and magical power as a whole-body cleanser, drinking water can help you shed unwanted weight and improve your health overall. 

Do you even know that water is the best natural beverage of weight loss?

I’m sure that you know this surprising truth very well.

Here is how water could be your ticket to weight loss, plus other benefits your body will derive from drinking nature’s best beverage.
  • Drinking water before every meal can help you to consume fewer calories.
  • Water improves digestion and metabolism that help to burn more calories.
  • Water can boost your brain function and mood.
  • Consuming 2 liters of water helps to burn more than 100 calories.
  • Water can prevent and treat headaches.
  • This natural beverage supports your skin to look good.
  • Drinking water helps flush toxins from your kidneys.
  • Water helps to regulate internal body temperature.

You have to remember only good metabolism helps to burn more calories even at rest time.
Folks who have good  metabolism burn almost 500 calories during sleep.
5. Calculate your calories-
calorie count

The recommended calorie intake for a man is 2500 and for women, it’s 2000 calories to maintain their normal weight.
But, you are here to lose 10 pounds in a week.
For that, you need to deduct your calories smartly so that your body won’t get effects negatively during weight loss. Right?

Now let’s do the math-

Normally we consume 2500 calories per day to maintain our body weight. But 1200 calories is the minimum calorie that a person must consume for proper body function.

So you have to consume 1200 calories per day and reduce those excess 1200-1400 calories through diet Right?

This trick will help you to reduce a few pounds every day.

That’s awesome. isn’t it?

Every day’s meals calories division-
Here I’m going to show the right calorie intake to consume 1200/day with each meal from breakfast to dinner.


Breakfast- 300-320 cal

Lunch-   500-550 cal

Snacks- 150-200 cal

Dinner-   400-450 cal

Keep it in mind that you need to do calorie consumption smartly not by eating less, just cut unhealthy calories from your daily food and try other healthy sources of food.

6. Add super helpful supplement in your diet-
When you want to drop some significant amount of weight it’s tempting to look for help anywhere you can. 

And that’s why I’m here to help you from your burning pain what you are struggling with.

I really think that supplements can help you to get the result what you want when it’s about adding the supplement to weight loss, we become choosy and some time tried to hesitate or tried to stay away from them.

But trust me some supplements are really bonfire for weight loss that our body doesn’t produce naturally and help us in fat burning.

Then the question is how can you find the super helpful supplement in the market?
Here is the answer-

Just simply go to amazon.com write keyword like  ‘best weight loss supplement’
You can find a lot of products, right?

Now pick the best one with the help of the review( above 100 people) and rating(above 4.5) or you can ask your doctor to give you the best supplement as per your need.

7. Drink coffee and avoid junk foods –

 1. Drinking Coffee can help mobilize fat to fat tissue
coffee contains caffeine which stimulates the nervous system that sends direct signals to the fat cells and telling them to break down fat.

It does this by increasing the blood level of the hormone epinephrine.

Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, travels through your blood to the fat tissues, signaling them to break down fats and release them into your blood.

Of course, releasing fatty acid into your body doesn’t help you to lose weight unless you are burning more calories than you consume through your diet.this condition is known as negative energy balance.

2. Coffee can increase your metabolic rate-
The rate at which you burn calories at rest is called resting metabolic rate(RPM)
The higher your metabolic rate, the easier it is for you to lose weight and the more you can eat without gaining weight.

Studies show that caffeine can increase RPM by  3-11%, with larger doses having a greater effect.

Interestingly, most of the increased metabolism is caused by an increase in fat burning.

One study showed that caffeine increased burning 10-29% among young individuals.

 So my recommendation is to add coffee in your diet.

Avoiding junk foods  whenever you can-
junk food
Here are the dangerous junk food that won’t help you to lose weight-
  • French Fries and potato chips
  • Sugary Drinks
  • White Bread
  • Candy Bars
  • Pastries, Cookies, and Cakes
  • Pizza
  • Ice-Cream
  • Some type of Alcohol(Especially Beer)

8. Do some healthy workout-

The workout is the most effective way to burn calories in a week.
After maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, you must look at a proper workout plan to burn your fat cells fast.

If you are not maintaining your diet and continue your unhealthy routine.
Then this is how much work out you have to do lose 10 pounds in a week –

  • Lift weight for 12 hours
  • Run for 10 hours every day
  • Squat for 5 hours continuously
  • Jog for 12 hours straight every day

 As you can see, these workouts are not realistic, that’s why you need to focus on a healthy diet before doing exercise.

Now have I cleared my point?
If yes, then 

Let’s move on

When you combine a workout with the proper diet then your fat burning process and metabolism get fast.

Try any of this workout to lose more than 1 pound a day-
  • Run 1 hour /day
  • Swim 1 hour/day
  • Walk 1.5 hour/day
  • Do  minimum 500 calories workout if you are a beginner and if you are not a beginner then go for 1000 calories workout every day

Or you can choose your most preferred workout plan for an hour every day.

If you are overweight and feel yourself uncomfortable before starting any workout so then don’t go for it.

you can start your physical activities  gradually and then  speed up. 

1000 calories workout-
  • Rope jumping-5 min
  • Jumping jacks -100
  • Burpees-50
  • Crunches and sit ups-100
  • Squats -50
  • High knees-5 min
  • Running-10 min
  • Mountain climbers-100

You can divide this workout in the morning and evening season. Repeat 2 or 3 times to burn calories throughout the day and maximize your effort to get the best result.

9. Intermittent fasting helps you to lose weight fast-
Intermittent fasting is currently the world’s most popular health and fitness trend.

You can certainly use it to lose weight, improve your health and simplify your lifestyle.
Many studies show that it can have a powerful effect on your body and brain and can help you to look younger.

But the main question is what is it and how to do it in a proper way?

Well then, 
Let’s jump right into it.

Intermittent Fasting
It is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.

It doesn’t specify which food should you eat rather than when you should eat them.
In this respect, it’s not a conventional diet but more accurately described as an eating pattern.

Intermittent fasting method: There are many ways to go into intermittent fasting- But I really prefer some of them because of its simplicity

The most popular methods:

1. The 16/8 method-It  starts with skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating time-frame to 8 hours. Such as 12 pm-8pm then you fast for 16 hours in between.

2.Eat-Stop-Eat: this involves fasting for 24 hours, twice a week by not eating dinner from dinner one day until dinner the next day.

By reducing your calorie intake this method should cause as long as you compensate by eating much more during the eating periods.

I really think that, all of you will be very comfortable with the 16/8 method due to its simplicity.

Intermittent fasting  helps to transform hormones to facilitate weight loss.

In addition to lowering insulin and increasing growth hormone levels, it increases the release of fat-burning hormone noradrenaline.

That’s why It is considered very effective and safest way to lose weight and belly fat.
10.Decent sleep-
I love sleeping in free time๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š, It’s my favorite thing to do when I  get enough time.

Do you know guys, surprisingly it can help you to burn calories?

Yes, guys, it is sleeping what can be beneficial for you.

Studies have shown that some really vital hours of good sleep, in fact, those scary pounds away.
If you are trying to lose weight then sleep is as important as diet and exercise.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t get enough sleep,in fact, about 30% of the adult are sleeping fewer than 6 hours most nights, according to a study of US adults (1).

researchers have reported that women who sleep 5 hours or less per night generally weigh more than women who sleep 8 hours per night.

Inadequate sleep:
  1. Interferes with the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates and causes high blood levels of glucose, which leads to higher insulin levels and greater body-fat storage.
  2. Drives down leptin levels, which causes the body to crave carbohydrates.
  3. Reduces levels of growth hormone–a protein that helps regulate the body’s proportions of fat and muscle.
  4. May lead to insulin tolerance and contribute to increased risk of diabetes
  5. Can increase blood pressure
  6. Can increase the risk of heart disease
A healthy body with good metabolism burns about 500 calories in 8 hours of sleep. Really awesome!
But it varies from person to person, depending on their working schedule and lifestyle.
Sleep almost  8 hours for restful body, mind and get your desired result.
11.Be consistent-
What that simply means is that no matter how you feel or what happens, just keep going and let your heart pound well. 

Losing weight and keeping it off isn’t a simple matter. A recent study from Drexel University found that stable growth and consistency are key to weight loss success.

Consistency in both diet and exercise day-to-day and week-to-week leads to the best outcomes on the scale over a longer period.

According to the Drexel study, your body responds well to uniformity. Cheat days, exercise avoidance, and immense changes in diet can upset your weight loss plan.

Staying consistent will help you in accomplishing your goals and maintaining weight loss results over time.

Push hard enough to lose excess weight, you do not want to lose 10 pounds in 7 days and gain 20 pounds in 5 days. Terrible right?

Now you see that it really is not so difficult to lose weight and stay healthy.
But the best part is that if you diligently follow these tips then you can lose more than 30 pounds in a month.

That’s amazing, right?

My best wishes to losing those pounds and see you on the other side of being able to lose 10 pounds in a week.

Let’s look at the things what you have learned in this article so far –

  • The fast and most important thing to do is to intake low calories food.
  • Take more protein in your diet.
  • Add more appetite-reducing food.
  • Drink 8 glass of water every day which is equivalent to 2-liter water.
  • Add supplements into your daily routine with the help of your doctor.
  • Calculate your calories.
  • Avoid your favorite junk food for a while and try to drink coffee.
  • Do some 800-1000 cal workout to get your result.
  • Try the most popular method of intermittent fasting to get the maximum benefits.
  • Sleep enough, cause rest is very necessary to lose weight
  •  Be consistent with the plan if you truly want to do something not only in terms of weight loss rather than anything that you want to accomplish in your life.

Share your opinion  about losing weight fast if you know something or you are facing      
this burning problem.

If you think it’s helpful and if you have any question you can comment below and I will be very happy to be with you in the comment section.

I hope this guide will help to get your desired result within a week.

Use this odd "carb trick" to burn upto 1 pound per day -

"All this by flavor-pairing?" I asked
She said, “It’s not so much about the Flavor-Pairing, but more about how it re-awakens what the Japanese call, ‘the weight loss doubling molecule’ which signals 22-hour a day fat-burning effect in the female body.”
Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video she said
Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”...
....They’re right, it actually takes 16 days.
Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently

